Status | Building |
Game | Age of Empires 2 |
Type | Double Elim |
Bronze Bracket | Yes |
Visibility | Public |
Maximum Teams | 32 |
Registered Teams | 19 |
Confirmed Teams | 19 |
Match Mode | 4v4 |
Replay Uploads | Optional |
Replay Downloads | Enabled |
Start Date | Sunday June 22nd, 2014 |
Location | |
Tournament Views | 7,769 |
Creator | _Taff |
The SY(China) Nations Cup will be a Team Game Tournament open to all the Nations of the World.
The Format of this Tournament will be a Continent-based Qualification Stage to allow for easier scheduling, followed by a Group Stage and ending with a very climatic Knockout/Double Elimination Stage.
Thanks to the generosity of the SY Sponsor (China), we will be offering prizes to a total amount of
$30 000 US :!:
In addition to this, there will also be a Map Contest, Prediction Contest and possibly MVP and Dream team.